where I share my experiences with the art of writing, publishing, and book marketing

where I share my experiences with the art of writing, publishing, and book marketing

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Conflict and Resolution

A good story must have a conflict and a resolution to that conflict.  Just to keep the story interesting we put many conflicts in the way of our characters, usually the main characters—our heroes   How those conflicts are solved; if solved well, can hold a readers attention, but confuse the writer.
To avoid that I set up a conflict resolution outline.  This outline actually helps me to break out my chapters—a conflict resolved is a chapter, or at least a break within a chapter.  I don’t like to use a traditional chapter by chapter outline. I feel restricted by them.
I saved a form on my thumb-drive. It goes like this:
Conflict 1
Conflict 2
Conflict 3
and so on
Build up to the climax. Use as many conflicts and resolutions as you need to tell the story leading up to the climax, then turn your attention to it and the final resolution. It goes like this:
Final Conflict
Of course you can alter this to fit your needs but this works well for me.
A clear view of the final Conflict, Climax, and Resolution.  Often I find myself through the first few conflicts and I have solid path for my ending. When that happens I skip ahead and write that.  I save it as a separate document.  I don’t have to, but it keeps my manuscript clean and I can cut and paste later and easily refer to it if I need to. I always end up tweaking the end to mesh with the rest of the story, but that is easy at that point.
This is a good place to start.  When that fresh idea comes to my head and I’m not sure where I’m going with a story using this tool helps me to put the story in order. I have found this tool also works well to keep me from being blocked while writing the story. It serves as a checklist and keeps me moving ahead. 
Makes writing feel like art. Probably the best advantage to this method is the flow I feel when writing.  Instead of building a story I am painting one.  I have chosen my palette and the canvas is taking on life. I hope that if you try this method you will feel that as I do.

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