where I share my experiences with the art of writing, publishing, and book marketing

where I share my experiences with the art of writing, publishing, and book marketing

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

In all my life I have been blessed to live in interesting times. It hasn't always been easy, but it has always been interesting. Easy or interesting this life I call mine has shown me a depth of love for friends and family that I would have thought impossible in my early years. For all of you I am truly grateful.

What I want to share though, is that my faith kept me going.  Even as I drew away from my spiritual life, somehow faith that God existed, that Jesus existed, kept me from veering too far off the path.  I was on a winding path then until finally I assessed my life and I could see where protection-- where grace had been granted and I finally accepted that which I had known, but had not acknowledged.  It didn't matter if family or friends doubted the teachings of the bible.  I had always believed them.  I knew that Christ lived a life I could never face with the dignity that He did.  I knew I could never face that death so peacefully.  It may be that he died a death that I deserved.  Somehow in that realization I came to Christ.  The path still bends a bit but I can see through to clear ground, a straight path, and I surrender myself to whatever the destination is a little more every day.

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