where I share my experiences with the art of writing, publishing, and book marketing

where I share my experiences with the art of writing, publishing, and book marketing

Monday, September 23, 2013

Chapter Outlines

I haven’t always used Chapter Outlines.   I am finding that I rely on this tool more and more.  Maybe it is a sign of a failing memory.  I like to think of it as my desire to improve my writing. 
I follow a simple format.  I create a heading for each chapter and enter what I want to have happen within each chapter.  That keeps me on track and saves me from guessing where I want to end one chapter and begin the next as I write.  When I do this of course, it lays out the story from beginning to end.

I couple this with my conflict and resolution outline.  (Posted Sunday August 25) I keep myself well on task and the time I find away from writing becomes less of a handicap as I can review these tools and be back into the art of writing sooner than if I had to reread to remind myself of where I was creatively and structurally with the story at hand.  This is especially helpful when I find myself working on two or three projects at  a time and find myself a bit confused.

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